White-Nationalist Review

There was a National Review tweet in my Twitter feed this morning. Not sure why I looked at it (coffee hadn’t really cut in, probably) but it seemed at first glance to be a link to yet another extended whine about how a conservative speaker on a East-coast liberal arts campus hadn’t received the proper level of adulation from the assembled lumpen. Yawn! But First Amendment, I suppose, so I read on... Then the coffee started doing its magic, and I got curious. It was about a retired college professor named Paul Gottfried, who recently gave a lecture at Hamilton College, in upstate New York. A gauntlet of students accosted him before he had said a single word, tossing around epithets and accusations. OK crappy writing. Don't they know a gauntlet is a little glove? No, obvs. not. Buckley no longer edits. And epithets and accusations …oh, sweet merciful Cthulhu! (OK, I’m jaded. I’ve been binge-watching Supernatural, and am therefore unaroused anything less than stabby silver k...