Fake News, courtesy of the White House and Washington Examiner.

This morning some Trumpkin yahoo sent me a link to this story . The few reporters who chose to attend huddled under umbrellas, with ponchos over their computers. Many others chose to remain at a hotel press filing center. At one point during his 10-minute speech, Trump made light of the driving rain in a cool 55 degrees Fahrenheit, telling one guest under an overhang, "You look so comfortable up there under shelter as we are getting drenched." The aforementioned right-wing rag provided a link to Sky News . The Sky news video is heavily cropped, but I found the original. Better yet, I found the official White House video. The quoted sentence is at 6:55 into the video. There's something very off, though. Where is the driving, drenching rain? The President's hair is dry at the very beginning of the video, right through to the end. There is no water dripping off the leaves. There are a few raindrops on Trump''s coat, towards the middle of the...