Ryan and his roomie.

Ryan Hamilton was named Executive Director of the Nebraska Republican Party on March 13, 2019 . Let me say right away that I do not think Ryan is a very nice human being. We used both to contribute to a Lincoln Nebraska politics forum which had strict rules about civility. This did not prevent Ryan from dragging up some obviously phony teaching evaluations of me from a student revenge site, because he lost an argument. His twitter handle is @ryanmfhamilton ( what does mf stand for, mom? ), although he doesn't want you reading his Twitter feed. So let's review Ryan's history. He's 35 years old, He comes from Nevada. He attended Chaparral High School in Las Vegas, and Catholic University of America in Washington DC from 2004-2009, and then took a Masters' in Journalism and Media Studies from 2011-2014. A nice Catholic boy, you might say. He's devoted a lot of time to Nevada Boys' State, from back when he was in high-school. Before he came here, he worked for ...