Our own Boko Haram, who call themselves Moms for Liberty

Most people are familiar with Boko Haram , the Islamist terrorist organization that began in Nigeria. What they probably don't know is what the name means. Contrary to some media reports, Boko is the Hausa word for the Western system of secular education brought to Nigeria by the British, and means more generally sham, fraud, or deceit. When the British colonial government imposed secular schools in northern Nigeria at the beginning of the 20th century, Boko was applied in a pejorative sense to this new system. Haram of course just means forbidden . We shouldn't be smug. Our own local fundamentalists also think Western secular education is haram . Take for example, the locally-founded coven of screaming wingnut harpies quaintly named Moms for Liberty . These, ahem, ladies, who are mostly free of the education they so deplore, have gone after all mannner of social studies textbooks. And now they've also decided to clean up biology, which as we all know is...