9:30 a.m Motivational speech from a retired judge. He thanks us for our volunteer service. He lies. No one's a volunteer. We're here under threat of a $100 fine. How can you trust a judge who lies? He says other countries, even the French, think we're the fairest country in the world. Because we have Due Process . Other countries have due process. Really. I've lived elsewhere. We dont even make the top ten. In fact, according to the World Justice Project, we rank 27th. France has us beat. We didn't even make the round of 16. Our soccer team is better than our judicial system. Of course Canada has us beat. Did you have to ask? It appears we really lose out on Fundamental Rights (ranked 42nd), Order and Security (ranked 38th; it's the guns, stupid!); Civil Law Enforcement (ranked 41st; too much corruption) ; Criminal Justice (ranked 30th; corruption again); But I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. Comparatively free. Compared to...