
Showing posts from March, 2020

Stochastic Poisoning

Stochastic terrorism is a sad reality of our century. It even has its own Wiktionary entry : The use of mass public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which incites or inspires acts of terrorism which are statistically probable but happen seemingly at random. The amazing Donald J Trump, our Orange Messiah, has invented a new variant: stochastic poisoning . Here's how it works. At a White House press conference, you make the claim that the antimalarial chloroquine is showing " very encouraging, very very encouraging, early results " in treating COVID-19 (rubbish, by the way), and "it's not going to kill anybody" . So what happens? First, it gets amplified on right wing sites, who inform Trumpkins that it's available as a 'fish-tank additive' . Then, of course, it sells out of aquarium stores , as desperate people buy it. To be fair to Trump, this was already happening, though he certainly added fuel to the f...

Fighting the GOP anti-China deflection

Since there have been so many lies p[osted about China 'conceding' the coronavirus outbreak, I though I'd post this. The first report of unusual pneumonias was reported to the Wuhan CDC by Jixian Zhang on December 27, 2019. The World Health Organization was notified on Decemebr 31, 2019. They had it identified as a coronavirus by January 7. They had it sequenced by January 12, 2020 and test kits by January 13, 2020. Source

Another win for Salem's Hypothesis!

Salem's Hypothesis states that in any evolution vs. creation debate, a person who claims scientific credentials and sides with creation will most likely have an engineering degree. In recent years it's been extended to climate change denialism. One more instance: Indur M. Goklany .