Stochastic Poisoning

Stochastic terrorism is a sad reality of our century. It even has its own Wiktionary entry : The use of mass public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which incites or inspires acts of terrorism which are statistically probable but happen seemingly at random. The amazing Donald J Trump, our Orange Messiah, has invented a new variant: stochastic poisoning . Here's how it works. At a White House press conference, you make the claim that the antimalarial chloroquine is showing " very encouraging, very very encouraging, early results " in treating COVID-19 (rubbish, by the way), and "it's not going to kill anybody" . So what happens? First, it gets amplified on right wing sites, who inform Trumpkins that it's available as a 'fish-tank additive' . Then, of course, it sells out of aquarium stores , as desperate people buy it. To be fair to Trump, this was already happening, though he certainly added fuel to the f...