Benny Johnson and Turning Point USA at UNL: stealing people's stuff to own the libs

The newly 'recognized' Turning Point USA UNL chapter have immediately put paid to speculation they might be any different than the other chapters of the alt-right campus freak show, by recruiting the unsavory Benny Johnson as their first speaker.

Benjamin Arthur Johnson graduated from the University of Iowa in 2009. Although it's been variously reported he also has a degree in Organic Chemistry, U. Iowa seems to think he only graduated in Psychology. Since he was an honors student, I hoped to find the thesis he is supposed to have written; running that through a plagiarism checker might be a laugh riot. Unfortunately, it seems not to be in their digital repository.

Johnson commenced his career with a listicle-laced gala performance of promiscuous plagiarism at Buzzfeed, which led to his firing. He stole from no fewer than 41 articles. Then, after a brief break to let the scandal die down, he got a job at IJR Review. The man has no shame; a hate click, he claims, is as good as a love click. And, it appears, someone else's words are as good as your own; he was almost immediately accused of plagiarism yet again. And when a website called Plagiarism Today refers to you as 'The Irredeemable Benny Johnson', you know you have problems.

Eventually his alleged verbal abusiveness and extended absences accomplished what mere sleaziness could not at the Trump-fellating IJR, and he got the boot. He was picked up by the Daily Caller, which must have been humiliating, since three years previously the same right-wing piece of crap ran a listicle of 41 things he could do with his life after his first firing.

Still, I hope this will be motivating for the junior alt-right types at TPUSA-UNL, since it shows that neither being caught repeatedly stealing people's intellectual product, nor a nasty personality, seems to be much of a bar to employment in the right-wing media.


  1. When Benny was in college, he was quite into organic chemistry.

    1. I expect.

      On an entirely unrelated subject, we just started rewatching the entire 7 series of Breaking Bad. Donna Nelson did a fantastic job keeping the chemistry correct.

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